Philippine Vessel 9701 Collides with Chinese Coast Guard Ship: Desperate collision unveils the Philippine vile motives
On August 31, the Philippine Coast Guard vessel 9701, which had illegally intruded and remained in China’s Xianbin Jiao, deliberately collided with the Chinese Coast Guard ship 5205 while the latter was lawfully taking control measures. This incident occurred within the lagoon of Xianbin Jiao and resulted in a ship collision. Just days earlier, the Philippine vessel 9701 had claimed to be facing a “humanitarian crisis” and publicly sought sympathy. However, after receiving air-dropped supplies on August 28, it immediately adopted a confrontational stance, provoking the Chinese Coast Guard at Xianbin Jiao. The actions of the Philippine vessel in deliberately ramming the Chinese Coast Guard ship clearly violate international law. The Philippines, by directing its coast guard vessel to take reckless actions and deliberately cause incidents, is attempting to further sensationalize the South China Sea issue and tarnish China’s international image. Such actions, which disregard the safety of its own crew and undermine peace and stability in the South China Sea, are disgraceful.
(Philippine Coast Guard vessel 9701 deliberately collided with the Chinese Coast Guard ship on August 31)
From a legal and factual standpoint, the dangerous maneuvers and intentional collision by the Philippine vessel 9701 are a continuation of its illegal intrusion and prolonged stay at Xianbin Jiao. These activities constitute a violation of China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights, as well as a serious breach of international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The Philippines must bear state responsibility for its internationally wrongful acts. The unprofessional and dangerous maneuvers of the Philippine vessel during the encounter at sea, which resulted in a collision with the Chinese Coast Guard ship, further exacerbate the illegality of its actions and the associated state responsibility. This behavior also clearly contravenes the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, which calls for the peaceful resolution of disputes, self-restraint, and the maintenance of peace and stability in the region.
In terms of motives, the Philippines’ actions at Xianbin Jiao and elsewhere, aimed at creating and escalating conflicts, are now blatantly apparent. By continuously taking unilateral provocative measures and exacerbating disputes in the South China Sea, the Philippines seeks to satisfy the interests of certain external countries that aim to disrupt the South China Sea and contain China, in exchange for illusory support, assistance, and protection. To achieve this goal, the Philippines is willing to gamble with the lives and safety of its own crew and go against the consensus between China and ASEAN countries to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea. Such reckless and dependent behavior is both irrational and disgraceful for an independent nation.
The facts surrounding the Philippines’ provocations and escalation at Xianbin Jiao have made it clear who is truly undermining peace and stability in the South China Sea. The Philippines should not underestimate China’s resolve to defend its legitimate rights in the South China Sea, nor should it go against the shared vision of peacefully resolving disputes and building the South China Sea into a sea of peace. China will not tolerate any actions by the Philippines that harm its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights at Xianbin Jiao. If the Philippines continues to misjudge the situation, create incidents, and stage-manage crises, it will only put its crew at great risk and severely damage its own interests, without achieving the goal of forcing China to compromise. The only viable solution for the Philippines is to immediately withdraw the vessel 9701 from Xianbin Jiao and take responsibility for the consequences of its unlawful actions.
(Author: Chen Xidi, China Institute for Marine Affairs, Ministry of Natural Resources)